
The Export feature allows you to export product data from flexiPIM to an external application in the .xlsx, .csv, and .xls formats. The data to be exported can be filtered by product, attribute, and category. The data between any two dates can also be exported.

How to export files in flexiPIM?

The steps to Export product data are explained below,

Step 1: Login with your credentials.
Step 2: Hover over the sidebar on the left side to access the hamburger menu.
Step 3: Click on 'Import & Export' on the sidebar, then click on 'Export'.


Step 4: On the 'Export' page, in the 'Choose Export' drop-down, choose the type of data
        (Products, Attributes, Category) that you wish to Export.


Step 5: Add a 'From date' and 'To date' in the respective fields to export
        data specifically between two dates.


Step 6: Choose the format (.xls, .xlsx,.csv) of the file you wish to export
        from the 'Export Format' drop-down menu.

Step 7: Click on the 'Export' button on the top right corner of the page.

Step 8: The Export queue will be displayed after completion of which the 
        export file will be available for download under the 'Recent Export
        files' header as shown below.


How to export product in flexiPIM?

Step 1: Under the 'Choose Export' - 'Product' option.


Step 2: Select Channel( Web, Mobile, Print, BigCommerce, etc) to filter your 
        export data channel-wise.


Step 3: On the right-hand side of the page, choose the attributes (displayed as per
        the channel chosen) to export by clicking the corresponding checkboxes.

Step 4: Add product SKUs separated by commas in the SKUs field to export specific products.


Step 5: Select the Category to export from the 'Category' drop-down list.


Step 6: Select a 'From date' and 'To date' to export data present between two dates.


{warning} Note: XLS file format support 256 number of columns in spreadsheet

Step 7: Select a format (.xls,.xlsx, or .csv) in which the file will be exported.


Step 8: Select 'Status' as 'Active' or 'Inactive'.


Step 9: Click on the 'Export' option on the top right corner of the page. The 'Export' 
        queue will be displayed after completion of which the export file will 
        be available for download.


How to export attributes in flexiPIM?

Step 1: Under the 'Choose Export' - 'Attribute' option,


Step 2: Enter the 'From date' and 'To date' to export data present in between two dates.

Step 3: Select a format (.xls,.xlsx,  or .csv) in which the file will be exported.

Step 4: Click on the 'Export' option on the top right corner of the page. The 'Export'
        queue will be displayed after completion of which the export file will
        be available for download.


How to export categories in flexiPIM?

Step 1: Under the 'Choose Export' - 'Category' option,
        Enter the 'From date' and 'To date' to export data present in 
        between two dates.


Step 3: Select a format (.xls,.xlsx, or .csv) in which the file will be exported.

Step 4: Click on the 'Export' option on the top right corner of the page. The 'Export' 
        queue will be displayed after completion of which the export file will 
        be available for download.


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