Custom Import Extension

The Custom Import extension on flexiPIM solves the problem of importing rigid formats of import sheets in flexiPIM. With Custom Import users can now import product data from various sources by creating templates for each data source, as a one-time activity.

Below are some use cases where Custom Import makes your job easy.

  • Unlike the native Import option in flexiPIM, the Custom Import extension automatically creates
    Categories missing in your Import sheet, into flexiPIM.

  • It enables you to import both categories and variants from a single sheet, unlike flexiPIM’s native Import where you had to use multiple import sheets for the same.

  • You have multiple vendors who supply product data in various formats. Custom import lets you create a template for each type of import sheet which you can edit/reimport every time there is a new update.

Let’s see how Custom Import works.

Step 1: Hover over the 'Grid' icon on the top bar of the flexiPIM dashboard. Click on the 
        'Custom Import' extension icon as shown below.


Step 2: You will be directed to the 'Import templates' page as shown below that 
        consists of 'Templates' and 'Import' tabs. The 'Templates' tab displays
        the predefined import templates. The Import tab shows the activity logs 
        of the Imports done on your flexiPIM account.

Custom Import - Templates page


Custom Import - Import page


How to create a Custom Import Template?

Step 1: Click on 'Create template' on the top right-hand side of the 
        'Import Templates' page.


Step 2: A pop-up appears as shown below. Enter the template name and upload the 
        Import file you want to set as a template for your future imports. 
        This is a one-time activity that allows you to set as many templates 
        as the sources of product data you may have.


Step 3: Click on Import and your import file will be on its way.

How to edit a Custom Import Template?

{info} Please note that the Name field is not editable at this stage.

Step 1: Click on the green 'upload' icon corresponding to the Import 
        template you wish to edit.


Step 2: A pop-up appears as shown below. You may upload the updated 
        product data sheet using the 'Choose file' field. Click on Import.


How to Edit Mapping in a Custom Import Template?

Step 1: Click on the orange 'pencil' icon corresponding to the Import
        template you wish to edit.


Step 2: You will be redirected to the 'Category, Family, and Variant field mapping' 
        page where you can map flexiPIM items like category, family, channel, and 
        variants to the respective corresponding items from PIM or spreadsheet as 
        you can see in the image below.


Category mapping

  • On the right-hand side, the category drop-down menu lets you select the category to be mapped into the flexiPIM category.

  • If you select No category the products will be mapped into the default Category in flexiPIM.


Family Mapping

{info} Note: The steps for Channel mapping are the same as explained above for Family mapping.

  • You can map families from flexiPIM or from the import sheet using the dropdown menu corresponding to the Family item. The dropdown menu appears as shown below.


  • On selecting From PIM, a list of flexiPIM families will be available in the drop-down menu below it, as shown below.


  • If you select From Sheet option, a list of the column headers of the import sheet will appear in the drop-down menu below it, as shown below.


Variant mapping

Directly map variants for your products using Custom import.

  • In the Variant field drop down menu corresponding to variants option in the Custom Import page , choose the header from your spreadsheet which is the differentiator for a set of product SKUs. For example, if TSH-SK-001 is an SKU for a T-shirt and Style number is a differentiator for that T-shirt then choose Style number from the drop down list. However if you choose No Variants then variant mapping will not be applicable.


  • If the Style number for the SKU=> TSH-SK-001 further has variants like colour, size, width to name a few, then choose them from the drop down below the Variant field dropwdown as shown in the image below.


How to delete a Custom Import Template?

Step 1: Click on the 'Trash' icon corresponding to the Import template 
        you wish to delete. The template will get deleted.


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