Manage Category

The Category is a grouping of individual products together based on a similar subject or business focus.

How to create a new category in flexiPIM?

Step 1: Login with your credentials
Step 2: Hover over the sidebar on the left side to access the hamburger menu
Step 3: Click on 'Associations' to expand, then click 'Manage Category'
Step 4: The Right side page displays 'Create Category' Form
Step 5: Enter the required fields
Step 6: Click on the 'Save' button


Name Description
Category A category is used to classify products. It is always part of the main category tree and you can create a subcategory for a parent
Name To create a name for the category - either parent or sub-category
Code They are used to create a unique code for the category
Image You can upload a category image for parent or sub-category
Description Create a description for the category
Status It shows the status of the category, whether it’s active or inactive

How to filter & search category in flexiPIM?

Step 1: On left side of the page, you can filter the channel based category by
        choosing select option in the list and then
Step 2: You can search the parent category or subcategory from the created 
        category tree
Step 3: Searched category list is highlighted in dark color


Step 4: Category view looks like a tree structure, and you can expand 
        and collapse the category view


How to sort category in flexiPIM?

Category Sorting

In the category tree view on the left side, drag the category which you have created and drop the category to parent or sub-category as you wish.


Sort categories with a drag and drop action. You can sort both parent and child categories based on your preference. This sorting order will reflect in your eCommerce stores.

Category product sorting

Prioritize the sort order of products belonging to a category. This sorting order will reflect in the eCommerce stores and APIs.


How to edit category in flexiPIM?

Step 1: On the left side of the page, click on the created category name which 
        you want to edit, and it is redirected to that particular page. You can 
        also edit those fields shown below except 'Category code,'
        - Name
        - Image 
        - Description
        - Image
        - Status
Step 2: Click on the 'Save' button


How to check active & inactive category status in flexiPIM?

  1. Left side on the page is category list, the text highlighted in dark color is the Active category, and on the right side, it shows status as Active switch button.

  2. Left side on the page is category list, the text is highlighted in light color denotes Inactive category, and right side, it shows status as an Inactive switch button.

Active Category Inactive Category
image image

How to delete a category image in flexiPIM?

Step 1: When you hover over on the 'X' icon button, it shows popover 'Delete'
Step 2: Click 'X' icon button, and it shows a popup confirmation
Step 3: Click the 'OK' button to delete the image or click the
        'Cancel' button  if you want to discard your changes
Delete Category Image Confirmation Popup
image image

How to delete a category in flexiPIM?

Step 1: When you hover over on the 'Trash' icon button, it shows popover 'Delete' Category
Step 2: Click the 'Trash' icon button, and it shows a popup confirmation
Step 3: Click the 'OK' button to delete a category or click the 'Cancel' button
        to discard your changes
Delete Category Confirmation Popup
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